“Because You Never Know”

Hi friends, we are the Miller family. We would like to introduce you to Malachi. He is the reason why Emergency Me, LLC came about. When Malachi was about to start preschool, we became very nervous since he is nonverbal. He had ran off before in a family outing, so him getting lost in school was a real worry. That’s why the idea of making a personalized bracelet came to mind. Malachi’s bracelet includes:

First Name- Malachi, Last Name- Miller, medical condition, and “In Emergency Call Mom” along with phone number.

Now, we all wear the EmMe (EmERGENCY Me) bracelet because it gives us the confidence to know that in case of an emergency we will be okay. Having your medical information readily accessible can help someone to help you. We are excited to share this bracelet with other families so they, too, can have the same peace of mind that our family has; “because you never know”